Mt. Osceola (4340)

Trail: Osceola Tr.

Date: June 10 2000

Attending: Nick & Dan Kushta & John Chicoine

Miles: 7 Round tripTime: 2.5hrs up, 5hrs. Total

AMC huts, / shelters / camping site: none

Weather: Partly cloudy, 70’ish at base, 60’ish on the summit, in the clouds much of the time

This was Nick and Dan’s first 4K and I was glad to be able to be part of it. It was a good pick for a first hike. This trail is typical New Hampshire 4K, (Boulders, slabs, springs, switchbacks, and mud.) I gave Nick the AMC guide and maps so he could “plan the hike” as he would for other trips but he’d been working so much lately, he never got the chance. I was hoping the two springs on the trail would be gushing from the excessive rains we’ve been having on the mountains lately, but they were hardly flowing.

The parking lot was full by 8:40; we took the last spot in the lot. I told Nick about the need to buy a parking pass and how to use the pay tubes. By day’s end, the road had another 10 cars parked on it for the trail. The day was definitely warm enough and damp enough to bring out the black flies and a few mosquitoes. There were enough pests that Dan used the bug net for the hike up, he was not the only one we saw using one that day. The trail was very active; I estimate that we saw at least 45+ people throughout the day. Popular trail!. Dan and Nick seemed to really enjoy the experience. Dan couldn’t wait to get to the top. (This was not necessarily a good thing for me) Dan would race up ahead and wait for us to catch up, and then bolt up the trail again. This just set too fast a pace for a long haired, over fed, sleeping gnome like me. I suspect Nick was being nice keeping pace with me but he could have easily kept pace with Dan.

Maybe it’s me, or maybe it’s just the way some of us are made, but having someone up front moving at a fast pace, drives me/ sets the pace for the trip. I try to tell myself to go at my own pace, but I can’t. I tried to help Dan understand that I’m old (35 years older than him.) and slow, and that he got lots of breaks every time he stopped and waited for us to catch up, but I didn’t get any breaks. He said “he figured I was going slowly enough that it was like I was on break all the way.” Kids!

We spent quite a long time on the top waiting for the few breaks in the clouds, so I could point out a few hazy peaks as things thinned out. At one time we could even see the silhouette of Mt. Gailhead. I was packing 2 liters of Gatorade for me and was glad for it, but Dan and Nick don’t drink! Nick didn’t drink 1 cup for the whole round trip. I was 1/2 way through the second liter and finished it on the drive home. This could come in handy for them on some of the longer hikes, but I’m not sure it’s an overall good philosophy for life. The hike down was a whirl-wind trip. The sun had burned off most of the clouds and the bugs were getting thicker, so I used that as justification to keep up the pace. Thank God this trail is as short and easy as it is and it never got oppressively hot. Dan seemed in a bigger hurry to get to the car than he was to get to the summit. He wanted to hike another mountain! At one time we actually entertained hiking over to East Osceola, but in the end, I’m glad we didn’t.

I stopped at the river on Tripoli Rd. and introduced them to the ritual foot washing. Dan loved it! He hit the water like a Golden Retriever, splashing up and down the river. They were surprised to hear that it isn’t safe to drink much of the water in the Whites, even from such a nice stream as this. I’m not sure Nick saw the need. I needed a complete cool down/wash up. I took a few moments to drive by the Mt. Techumseh and Welch-Dickey trailheads. All in all, I think Nick and Dan had a really great time and learned a lot. I have no doubt that they will shortly be putting this experience to good use as Royal Ranger leaders and for personal hiking. We got back to Nicks house in Winchendon by 5:30; 11 hours door to door.
………. Closing Note! As you can see from the attendance list Simone and Gabe weren’t with me this time. I missed them very much. I’m learning that I don’t like hiking without my partners. I know sooner or later we’ll be hiking regularly without Gabe, but I don’t particularly care for that thought. As for Simone, seeing how much she loves it; that’s why I hike. See ya at the top!

Read about Osceola Trip 3