Mt. Tripyramid Middle (4110)

Mt. Tripyramid North (4140)

Trail: Sabbaday Brook Trail.
Date: Saturday 9/22/02
Attending: Shawn, Gabe, Simone and John
Miles: 12 Time: 7.5 hours round trip
AMC huts, / shelters / camping site:
Weather: Partly Cloudy, 70’s at the base, 50’s on the summit.

One more time, at least for a few of us. This was a catch-up hike. Now that we’re closing in on the final 3 hikes to complete the list, we had to bring Gabe back in sync with Simone and I. After all this work together there was no way I was going to have a partial celebration on # 48.

What happened to this Hike! I thought this was one of the easy ones. Not that there are any “easy” peak but in our memory we seemed to have painted this hike a bit different than it went on this trip. Quite possibly because we knew we’d have to bag this peak twice regardless of how long it took. Maybe it was the humidity or maybe it was just the end of a very long week but Simone and I were dragging our buts up the steep sections of this trail. The plan was for Simone and I just to hike up to North Tripyramid and Shawn and Gabe were to bag Middle and then backtrack to meet us on the north peak. As it turned out Shawn and Gabe bagged both Middle and South peaks before they doubled back. Simone and I just enjoyed a long (but viewless) rest on North Tripyrmad. The clouds never left the peaks while we were up there but the sun did have its appearance’s throughout the day. The hike started out with a bit of an unexpected hitch the parking lot and trailhead was under construction and closed until farther notice. Our other rout to the peak would have been to hike the Pine Bend trail just a ½ mile up the Kanc but a much harder hike with far less water. I wasn’t interested in dealing with the extra effort so we parked the car in an overflow lot for Sabaday Falls and hiked the Sabaday trail as planned. The Parks department was in the process of outfitting the falls area was with all new railings.

This hike seemed to want to take its toll in injures. Shawn hit the deck and bruised the base of his hand just below the palm and Simone slipped crossing one of the many riverbeds and dislocated her pinky at the second joint. Her finger was bent at a 90-degree angle at the joint. As quickly as we understood what was wrong, I popped her pinky back into it’s joint. We immediately wrapped her hand in a cold water soaked bandanna and Simone took 800 milligrams of Motrin. We took a few moments to soak the hand at every river crossing and the Motrin cut the pain to within a tolerable level. We had homemade apple pie waiting for us in the car, just one more reason we wanted to get off the trail. (One last interesting event). Only in the Whites can you find people snorkeling in the gorge beneath a 20Ft. water fall. (Like I said,,, Sabaday Falls was closed to the general public while construction was going on.)