Introduction to my writings.

     What you’ll find here. I do a lot of writing, It’s how I think…  or at least it’s how I think straight. The process of writing helps me formulate my thoughts, and examine them to see if:
  1. They make any sense. (At least to me.)
  2. I actually believe and can commit to (My life reflects) what I’m saying.
  3. They are true.
  4. They are worth sharing.
I actually believe, (for myself at least) that I should write more than I should talk. (It safer that way.) It’s smarter that way. Anything I post here is a reflection of revelations from the Holy Spirit for my own growth. I post these because I do believe that some readers might glean some useful truths from some of these words. Another purpose I’ve written these things here is for anyone related to me in any way, (Student, Friend or Family) that they might know me and know my heart.